A word from the craftsman
” This Yagyu ryu bokken is made of European beech wood sourced from sustainably managed forests. This wood has a high impact strenght resistence, and a light weight.
As any other wooden weapons of Manmori this bokken is manufactured at our workshop in the Perigord France, using traditional techniques.
This is one of the thinest and lightest bokken . Its curvature is similar to that of a standard bokken. It is not designed to withstand violent shoks, but rather for a fluid practice while working safely. “
Available finish: finished with an environmentally friendly varnish
⇒ Engrave this Bokken
Japanese inscriptions on Bokken, Jo and Tanto are completely handmade with pirography. Inscriptions are oriented vertically.
On Bokken, Shoto and Tanto, they are made on the blade just before the handle (tsuka) and oriented from the tip of the blade to the end of the handle. On Jo and Hambo they are made at the center.
We can engrave your name and/or firstname in katakana, or some martial or spiritual concept in kanji.
Select your option and write your inscription in the field “inscription to engrave”.
⇒ Add a wooden tsuba
Les gardes en bois “Manmori” sont fabriquées en bois de hêtre français et sont donc harmonisées avec toutes nos armes.
Chaque garde en bois est fabriquée et ajustée avec le modèle de bokken ou wakizashi qu’elle est censée compléter, elle ne peut donc être vendue séparément.
Nos gardes en bois sont maintenues sur l’arme par une rondelle de caoutchouc noire.
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